little lost causes

Friday, November 16, 2007


i searched for fur
while i waited for my clothes
to dry.
thin gray fabric
and stretchy chords.
there are some positions
i sleep in
that make the room too hot.
after five significant shifts
he'll lay his hand on my back
then push me away.
isn't it funny to stumble around
in your parts of your apartment,
wearing pieces of fashion.
it looks like lamps are
on and teenagers are drunk
and i have no motivation
to watch them as they watch me
and figure how they'll
feel at dusk on friday
in a room full of personal frenzy,
personal skinning and canning.
i wait and wait for a ramp
to open up somewhere
and corral me.


InDigest Magazine said...

i know this isn't writing group, but I love how this ties up.

InDigest Magazine said...

that was supposed to be from dustin not indigest...but I don't sign out of things when I'm done